Job was commissioned to us by Bobby Cooke from Cooke design/consultants from Myrtle Beach. Signs installed, also build a custom monument for the town square More building signs installed Custom made wolf figurehead for the pirate ship Seawolf.
Loading surfboards Ready to surf Mega loaded Thanks to Owens steel's crane service. We mounted the surfboards to the wall and finally the sign. Now that's a cool sign.
I have been complemented many times over the years on my wood texture. So I thought I would show some how-to images.
We use a material known as Signfoam or HDU, its been cut in strips and screwed to an aluminum tube frame. I start by rounding over the edges with a sander and then use a chisel to carve in some dimensions.
The chiseled dimension is just to give some shape to the wood and can be anything from knots to branches.
The next step really add the magic to the texture. I use a cone shaped sanding bit on the Dremel to add small wavy groves and details.
Finally I add some roughness with a file or sharp edge.
The Signworks CrewWe wanted to share some photos of a few signs that are being working on. |
We love to create unique signs for our customers, please enjoy our creations as they evolve.